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.: EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal :.

EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal

Once again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north of the country. Its a reenforcement, structural reenforcement, widening and substitution of engineering works in the Braga district. These bridge works are in Taipas, Póvoa de Lanhoso, Fafe and Cabeceiras de Basto, with and aproximate value of 900 000,00€, expecting very soon to start, and will extend for a period of about 365 days.

Despite some pessimistic scenario the construction industry experiences in Portugal, the company has managed to capture new contracts, thus contradicting the crisis that has been felt in the sector.


BIZ center

.: BIZ center :.

BIZ center | Edifìcio de Comércio e Serviços

Bralima Lda.

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VianaPolis - Sr.ª da Agonia

.: VianaPolis - Sr.ª da Agonia :.

VianaPolis | Requalificação do Campo Sr.ª da Agonia

VianaPolis S.A.

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Colégio Alemão

.: Colégio Alemão :.

Colégio Alemão Porto | Pavilhão Desportivo

Associação de Instrução e Recreio Extrenato Colégio Alemão

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Etar de Couce

.: Etar de Couce :.

Construção da Etar da Aldeia de Couce

Município de Valongo

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Casa Peixoto S.A.

.: Casa Peixoto S.A. :.

Casa Peixoto S.A. | Edifício de Comércio

Abílio Rodrigues Peixoto & Filhos S.A.

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Construção de Challets

.: Construção de Challets :.

Construção de 12 "Challets"

Viviendas Veja & Vazquez, S.L.

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.: IPAM :.

IPAM - Construção de Edifício de Serviços

PredialPor, Lda

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Mina do Pintor

.: Mina do Pintor :.

Mina do Pintor | Moradias Unifamiliares

Mina do Pintor - Imobiliária SA

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Belas Golf Residences

.: Belas Golf Residences :.

Belas Golf Residences | Edifícios de Habitação

Acfimo imobiliária SA

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Complexo Desportivo de Trandeiras

.: Complexo Desportivo de Trandeiras :.

Complexo Desportivo de Trandeiras

SGEB - Sociedade Gestora de Equipamentos de Braga

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Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda

.: Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda :.

The Wholesale Market Urbanization of "Luanda Clod" is the company's Construções Ar-Lindo Lda. (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA group) new venture in Angola. A value of about 1,500,000.00€, this contract has already started in May and has a duration of approximately 18 months.

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Responsabilité Social de L'Entreprise

.: Responsabilité Social de L'Entreprise :.

Le groupe Europa Ar-Lindo possède une politique de responsabilité sociale fondée sur des statégies durables qui se préocupe du bien- être de l'intérêt commun et des conséquences, sociales et de l'environnement, de son activité. De cette façon, elle soutient les divers agents sociaux qui se relationnent avec l'entreprise, qu'ils soient travailleurs, fournisseurs, consommateurs/clients, communauté et société en générale.

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Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte

.: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte :.

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA Group) will start very soon, another new venture that will last about two years. This time the owner is Resinorte - Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment, SA.

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EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal

.: EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal :.

Once again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north.

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Ressources Humaines | Formation et Développement

.: Ressources Humaines | Formation et Développement  :.

Europa Ar-Lindo représente un groupe jeune, dynamique et assez ambitieux. La mise à jour de ses cadres grâce à l’insertion et au recrutement de jeunes techniciens représente le pari de l’entreprise de revitaliser non seulement le groupe lui-même, mais également le marché d'une manière générale, grâce à de nouvelles idées et à de nouvelles opportunités.

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Information Financière

.: Information Financière :.

L'évolution financière enregistrée jusqu'à maintenant traduit de manière évidente la manière dont l'Entreprise consolide sa croissance équilibrée et durable sur le marché, en contrariant les adversités de l'actuelle conjoncture économique et les oscillations constantes des marchés globaux, en cherchant à maintenir les niveaux de rentabilité et en optimisant les modèles d'évolution financière.

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.: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :..: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Açores Lda. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Internacional SA. :..: Ar-Lindo Moz :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Imobiliária Lda :..: Green Lince – Hotels & Resorts SA :..: Acfimo Imobiliária SA :..: VE Parques - Gestão de Parques de Estacionamento :. .: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :.

Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA.

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