 | Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in LuandaThe Wholesale Market Urbanization of "Luanda Clod" is the company's Construções Ar-Lindo Lda. (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA group) new venture in Angola. A value of about 1,500,000.00€, this contract has already started in May and has a duration of approximately 18 months. Read more + |
 | EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of PortugalOnce again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north. Read more + |
 | Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for ResinorteConstruções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA Group) will start very soon, another new venture that will last about two years. This time the owner is Resinorte - Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment, SA. Read more + |
 | Construções Europa Ar-Lindo helps LIJ - Frei Gil, in RamaldeAs in previous years, the company Construções Europa Ar-Lindo, SA promoted among its employees, yet another voluntary food collection, donated to the Home for Children and Youth Work of Frei Gil - Ramalde. Read more + |
 | Inauguration of the Intensive Care Unit in AljezurOn the 10th of January, the Continued Care Unit in Aljezur, contract executed by Europa Ar-Lindo (Auropa Ar-Lindo SGPS group), was inaugurated by the Deputy Secretary of State for the Health Ministry, Fernando Leal da Costa. Read more + |
 | Europa Ar-Lindo piscine appuie les Açores Infirmité motrice cérébrale S. MiguelL'Entreprise Construções Europa Ar-Lindo Açores développe un projet de solidarité qui consiste à effectuer volontairement pas seulement de petites réparations, mais aussi des peintures, dans certaines zones du bâtiment Association de paralysie cérébrale de S. Miguel. Cette idée est née en 2013, et continue en 2014. Read more + |
 | Europa Ar-Lindo Açores offrent des jouets à Developers CommunautéL'entreprise Europa Ar-Lindo Açores a développé, cette saison de Noël, des actions de bénévolat, avec ces employés. Une des activités était de recueillir des jouets pour la communauté des Developers, inclus dans le projet d' "Un Noël pour tous", action développé au sein de la responsabilité sociale de la Developers. Read more + |
 | Meilleurs Compagnies 2013Comme d'habitude, l'Entreprise Construções Europa Ar-Lindo a participé à l'élection des meilleurs employeurs pour 2013, une initiative promue par le magazine Exame en partenariat avec l'Entreprise Accenture. Read more + |