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.: Business Strategy | Mission | Values :.

Business Strategy | Mission | Values


The continuous mutation and evolution of the current markets are the cornerstone of every company operating in this field, so the difference and the recognition of the work done cannot be limited to an aesthetic factor or the size of what has been done, but rather by work made with rigour, excellence and quality. As a result, new methods of management and performance should be put in practice with the purpose of getting a progressive growth and sustained development. Therefore, the pillars of a strategic approach should be based on the following guidelines:

- Maintain high levels of satisfaction, loyalty and relationship with customers and suppliers;

- Sustained levels of performance, asset and financial stability and business diversification;

- Streamline the HR department by attracting new skilled professionals and upgrade the existing employees in new methods, job mobility, and develop different fields of business according with the company performance and targets;

- Technological development and innovation;

- Upgrade competitive capacities in the construction engineering and public works sector and in new areas of business of the group;

- Consolidate and implement services across the country and boost the establishment of businesses at international level;

- Development, motivation and training in benefit of all employees.


In line with what has been our action during these years, Europa Ar-Lindo set out some guidelines for its future projects as its corporate mission. Be committed and address the development of the Building sector as its prime concern by creating and delivering innovative services and products boosted by an effective concern with quality standards and skilled qualifications, was the result of a solid structure and continuous know-how. Notwithstanding this strategic option, the search for new solutions in terms of corporate diversification also makes part of the company’s evolving process.

Europa Ar-Lindo targets a continue consolidation of its position in the market share, standing as a reference group, which keeps seeking for new markets and new customers through an effort of geographical expansion, and by incorporating or creating new companies as an added-value for the group to complement the company’s range of services and product diversification.


Europa Ar-Lindo has been paved its way by a continuous search for new policies and processes of improvement and innovation to better achieve a solid and recognition based on an image, work and a name. By questioning, challenge and be aware of the changes is the process of building up a consolidated identity guided by a well planned pathway towards the future and success. Our targets of rigour, quality and continuous innovation challenge us every day on an effort to grow steady and efficiently. The recognition that we aim is not a casual thing but is rather based on the conviction of an enormous know-how and trust. Development, competitiveness and sustainability are concepts that mark our organization in which the prime values of professionalism command the conduct of those who work in it. We want to grow, not only in size, but also with the satisfaction of knowing what we are, what we have done and that we did it well.



Douro à Vista

.: Douro à Vista :.

Douro à Vista | Edifício de Habitação Multifamiliar

Acfimo imobiliária SA

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Moradias Bifamiliares

.: Moradias Bifamiliares :.

Moradias Bifamiliares

Habiserve - Inv. Imobiliários Lda

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Colégio Alemão

.: Colégio Alemão :.

Colégio Alemão Porto | Pavilhão Desportivo

Associação de Instrução e Recreio Extrenato Colégio Alemão

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Oceanus Park

.: Oceanus Park :.

Oceanus Park | Edifícios de Habitação e Comércio

GeoPortugal - Imobiliária Unipessoal Lda

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AXIS Viana Business & Spa Hotel

.: AXIS Viana Business & Spa Hotel :.

"AXIS" Viana Business & Spa Hotel | Fundações e Estrutura

Turilima - Investimentos do Vale do Lima SA

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Homestyle Residences

.: Homestyle Residences :.

Homestyle residences | Edifício de Habitação Multifamiliar

Acfimo imobiliária SA

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Passagem Inferior em Ermesinde

.: Passagem Inferior em Ermesinde :.

Passagem Inferior em Ermesinde

Estradas de Portugal

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Base Militar do Alfeite

.: Base Militar do Alfeite :.

Base Militar do Alfeite | Construção de Armazém e Edifícios de Apoio

Ministério da Defesa - Direcção de Infra-Estruturas

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Empreendimento Ponte da Pedra

.: Empreendimento Ponte da Pedra :.

Empreendimento Ponte da Pedra | Edifícios de Habitação - L.7 e L.8

Sociedade Imobiliária Europa Ar-Lindo SA

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Loja do Cidadão de St.º Tirso

.: Loja do Cidadão de St.º Tirso :.

Loja do Cidadão de 2ª Geração de St.º Tirso

AMA - Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, IP

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Human Resources | Training and Development

.: Human Resources | Training and Development :.

The Europa Ar-Lindo Group, bases its framework on human resources and qualified personnel. In line with the growth potential of the group of companies within each activity it adopted a human resources policy that favors complete adaptation to their vocational skills and qualifications.

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Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte

.: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte :.

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA Group) will start very soon, another new venture that will last about two years. This time the owner is Resinorte - Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment, SA.

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Quality Policy, Environment and Security

.: Quality Policy, Environment and Security :.

Knowing that new and increasing demands are commanded by an extremely competitive market, the Europa Ar-Lindo group concentrated its attention on customer’s requirements and expectations and on other interested parties. As a result, it is vital that all assume its responsibilities and be committed to improve and enhance the resources, productivity, promote a policy of cutting costs, avoiding hazard behaviours, protect the environment and following strictly the legislation in force.

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EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal

.: EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal :.

Once again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north.

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Finantial Information

.: Finantial Information :.

The financial evolution reported to the present day clearly reflect how this company has been steady and sustained consolidating its grow in the marketplace against the adversities of the current economic framework, and the constant ups and downs of the global markets, by struggling to keep the levels of performance and streamline the standards of financial evolution.

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Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda

.: Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda :.

The Wholesale Market Urbanization of "Luanda Clod" is the company's Construções Ar-Lindo Lda. (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA group) new venture in Angola. A value of about 1,500,000.00€, this contract has already started in May and has a duration of approximately 18 months.

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.: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :..: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Açores Lda. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Internacional SA. :..: Ar-Lindo Moz :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Imobiliária Lda :..: Green Lince – Hotels & Resorts SA :..: Acfimo Imobiliária SA :..: VE Parques - Gestão de Parques de Estacionamento :. .: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :.

Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA.

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