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.: Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda :.

Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda

The Wholesale Market Urbanization of "Luanda Clod" is the company's Construções Ar-Lindo Lda. (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA group) new venture in Angola. A value of about 1,500,000.00€, this contract has already started in May and has a duration of approximately 18 months.

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.: EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal :.

EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal

Once again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north.

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.: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte :.

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA Group) will start very soon, another new venture that will last about two years. This time the owner is Resinorte - Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment, SA.

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.: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo helps LIJ - Frei Gil, in Ramalde :.

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo helps LIJ - Frei Gil, in Ramalde

As in previous years, the company Construções Europa Ar-Lindo, SA promoted among its employees, yet another voluntary food collection, donated to the Home for Children and Youth Work of Frei Gil - Ramalde.

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.: Inauguration of the Intensive Care Unit in Aljezur :.

Inauguration of the Intensive Care Unit in Aljezur

On the 10th of January, the Continued Care Unit in Aljezur, contract executed by Europa Ar-Lindo (Auropa Ar-Lindo SGPS group), was inaugurated by the Deputy Secretary of State for the Health Ministry, Fernando Leal da Costa.

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.: Europa Ar-Lindo supports the Azorian Cerebral Palsy Association in S. Miguel. :.

Europa Ar-Lindo supports the Azorian Cerebral Palsy Association in S. Miguel.

The company Construções Europa Ar-Lindo, Açores, is developing a solidarity project, on a voluntary basis, that consists of performing not only small repairs, but also paintings, in certain areas in the building of the Cerebral Palsy Association of S. Miguel. This idea was born in 2013, with follow-up in 2014.

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.: Europa Ar-Lindo Açores donates toys to the Developers community.

Europa Ar-Lindo Açores donates toys to the Developers community.

The company Construções Europa Ar-Lindo, Açores heas developed in this holiday season, volunteer activities with its employees. One of the activities was to collect toys for the Developers community, part of the project "A Christmas to All", action taken under the social responsibility of Developers.

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.: Best Companies 2013 :.

Best Companies 2013

As usual, Construções Europa Ar-Lindo company has took part in the election for the Best Companies to Work in 2013, an initiative promoted by Exame magazine in partnership with Accenture.

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Fundo Regional de Coesão

.: Fundo Regional de Coesão :.

Fundo Regional de Coesão - Secretaria Regional da Economia

Fundo Regional de Coesão

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Homestyle Residences

.: Homestyle Residences :.

Homestyle residences | Edifício de Habitação Multifamiliar

Acfimo imobiliária SA

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Edifício de Comércio e Serviços

.: Edifício de Comércio e Serviços :.

Edifício de Comércio e Serviços

Aliança Azul - Investimentos Imobiliários, Lda

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Praça Sony

.: Praça Sony :.

Praça Sony | Demolição

Parque Expo S.A.

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Museu dos Coches

.: Museu dos Coches :.

Museu dos Coches | Demolição de Edifícios

Parque Expo S.A.

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Complexo Desportivo de Parada de Tibães

.: Complexo Desportivo de Parada de Tibães :.

Complexo Desportivo de Parada de Tibães

SGEB - Sociedade Gestora de Equipamentos de Braga

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Remodelação e Ampliação da Casa da Baía

.: Remodelação e Ampliação da Casa da Baía :.

Remodelação e Ampliação da Casa da Baía | Centro de Promoção Turística

Câmara Municipal de Setúbal

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Casa Peixoto S.A.

.: Casa Peixoto S.A. :.

Casa Peixoto S.A. | Edifício de Comércio

Abílio Rodrigues Peixoto & Filhos S.A.

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Capela das Confissões

.: Capela das Confissões :.

Remodelação da Capela das Confissões

Irmandade do S.Bento da Porta Aberta

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CTT Expresso - ECAN/MARN

.: CTT Expresso - ECAN/MARN :.

Instalações dos CTT Expresso - ECAN/MARN, EM

ECAN/MARN - Mercado Abastecedor da Região Norte, EM

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Business Strategy | Mission | Values

.: Business Strategy | Mission | Values :.

The continuous mutation and evolution of the current markets are the cornerstone of every company operating in this field, so the difference and the recognition of the work done cannot be limited to an aesthetic factor or the size of what has been done, but rather by work made with rigour, excellence and quality.

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Quality Policy, Environment and Security

.: Quality Policy, Environment and Security :.

Knowing that new and increasing demands are commanded by an extremely competitive market, the Europa Ar-Lindo group concentrated its attention on customer’s requirements and expectations and on other interested parties. As a result, it is vital that all assume its responsibilities and be committed to improve and enhance the resources, productivity, promote a policy of cutting costs, avoiding hazard behaviours, protect the environment and following strictly the legislation in force.

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Human Resources | Training and Development

.: Human Resources | Training and Development :.

The Europa Ar-Lindo Group, bases its framework on human resources and qualified personnel. In line with the growth potential of the group of companies within each activity it adopted a human resources policy that favors complete adaptation to their vocational skills and qualifications.

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Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte

.: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte :.

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA Group) will start very soon, another new venture that will last about two years. This time the owner is Resinorte - Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment, SA.

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Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda

.: Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda :.

The Wholesale Market Urbanization of "Luanda Clod" is the company's Construções Ar-Lindo Lda. (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA group) new venture in Angola. A value of about 1,500,000.00€, this contract has already started in May and has a duration of approximately 18 months.

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EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal

.: EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal :.

Once again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north.

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.: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :..: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Açores Lda. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Internacional SA. :..: Ar-Lindo Moz :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Imobiliária Lda :..: Green Lince – Hotels & Resorts SA :..: Acfimo Imobiliária SA :..: VE Parques - Gestão de Parques de Estacionamento :. .: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :.

Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA.

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