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Fabrilcar SA - Novas Instalações

Contract: Fabrilcar SA - Novas Instalações

Local: Cucujães, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal

Client: Fabrilcar - Componentes Automóveis SA


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Belas Golf Residences

.: Belas Golf Residences :.

Belas Golf Residences | Edifícios de Habitação

Acfimo imobiliária SA

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Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo de Lamaçães

.: Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo de Lamaçães :.

Pavilhão Gimnodesportivo de Lamaçães

SGEB - Sociedade Gestora de Equipamentos de Braga

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Museu dos Coches

.: Museu dos Coches :.

Museu dos Coches | Demolição de Edifícios

Parque Expo S.A.

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Ar-Lindo Conduminium

.: Ar-Lindo Conduminium :.

Ar Lindo Conduminium | Edifícios de Habitação e Comércio

Acfimo Imobiliária SA

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Hospital Escola Universidade Fernando Pessoa

.: Hospital Escola Universidade Fernando Pessoa :.

Hospital Escola Universidade Fernando Pessoa

Fundação Fernando Pessoa

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Complexo Desportivo de Frossos

.: Complexo Desportivo de Frossos :.

Complexo Desportivo de Frossos

SGEB - Sociedade Gestora de Equipamentos de Braga

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Complexo Desportivo Merelim

.: Complexo Desportivo Merelim :.

Complexo Desportivo Merelim (S.Paio)

SGEB - Sociedade Gestora de Equipamentos de Braga

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Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho IP

.: Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho IP :.

Obras de Conservação e Remodelção do Edifício Antigo da Sede do IVV - Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho, IP

Instituto da Vinha e do Vinho IP

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Complexo Desportivo Arcos

.: Complexo Desportivo Arcos :.

Complexo Desportivo Arcos (S.Paio)

SGEB - Sociedade Gestora de Equipamentos de Braga

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CTT Expresso - ECAN/MARN

.: CTT Expresso - ECAN/MARN :.

Instalações dos CTT Expresso - ECAN/MARN, EM

ECAN/MARN - Mercado Abastecedor da Região Norte, EM

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The Company

.: The Company :.

In 1994 the company Construções Europa Ar-Lindo emerges from the development and growth of ACF Group, created by Arlindo Augusto Xavier Correia in 1965.

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EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal

.: EP awards a widening and rehabilitation contract to Europa Ar-Lindo SA, in the north of Portugal :.

Once again, the company Estradas de Portugal awards to Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA) new ventures, this time in the north.

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Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda

.: Construções Ar-Lindos Lda. marks a presence in Angola, with a contract won in Luanda :.

The Wholesale Market Urbanization of "Luanda Clod" is the company's Construções Ar-Lindo Lda. (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA group) new venture in Angola. A value of about 1,500,000.00€, this contract has already started in May and has a duration of approximately 18 months.

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Social Responsibility

.: Social Responsibility :.

The Europa Ar-Lindo Group has a social responsibility policy based on sustainability strategies that address the concern with the collective welfare and the social and environmental impacts of their activities. This way, it has been doing practical support to various agents social matters that relate to the company, whether employees, suppliers, customers / clients, community and society in general.

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Business Strategy | Mission | Values

.: Business Strategy | Mission | Values :.

The continuous mutation and evolution of the current markets are the cornerstone of every company operating in this field, so the difference and the recognition of the work done cannot be limited to an aesthetic factor or the size of what has been done, but rather by work made with rigour, excellence and quality.

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Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte

.: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA wins new contrat for Resinorte :.

Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA (Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA Group) will start very soon, another new venture that will last about two years. This time the owner is Resinorte - Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment, SA.

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.: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :..: Construções Europa Ar-Lindo SA. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Açores Lda. :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Internacional SA. :..: Ar-Lindo Moz :..: Europa Ar-Lindo Imobiliária Lda :..: Green Lince – Hotels & Resorts SA :..: Acfimo Imobiliária SA :..: VE Parques - Gestão de Parques de Estacionamento :. .: Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA. :.

Europa Ar-Lindo SGPS SA.

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